Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ER Visit

It’s 7am and I haven’t slept since the night before last. As many of you probably know from following Wendy on Facebook, she’s been sick and running a fever for the past 2 days. After trying to go to sleep last night she woke up crying and hurting pretty severely. I cuddled her and tried to keep her as content as possible. Around midnight she vomited on me and her, so I went to change her clothes. As I was changing her, I noticed her chest was swollen, her pulse was well over 200, and her breathing was labored. It was like she was holding her breath for a moment in between each breath. I told Zed immediately I was taking her to the ER. I would rather be safe than sorry and I knew I’d never sleep while being worried about her. Zed had taken his sleeping medication and was kind of out of it, so I called my mom. (Also, Zed isn’t the best at handling stressful situations, especially when it comes to Wendy.)

We arrived at Athens Regional around 1am. The lady who took our name as we went in was being crappy and absolutely not worried about us because she was talking to co-worker about ordering shoes online. She obviously wasn’t paying attention when we said Wen was having problems breathing. So we got someone else’s attention and said we needed to see a doctor, now. They took us straight back.

We met with the doctor and he said, after examining Wendy, that her throat was red and her chest sounded congested in the front, which could be causing her chest to be swelling. She was also still running a fever of 101. He said he wanted to do blood work, chest and abdomen X-rays (to make sure her intestines weren’t twisted since she was born with intestinal malrotation), a urinalysis, and flu test. Her blood work, flu test, and urinalysis all came back fine (we are still waiting for one blood test to come back, it takes 24-48 hours). Her chest X-ray wasn’t terrible and her abdomen X-ray showed she was still constipated and gassy. We did a breathing treatment and they gave her Tylenol. She was diagnosed with a viral syndrome and upper respiratory infection. Since both of those are caused by viruses there is nothing we can do, except wait it out because antibiotics won’t kill a virus. We have to follow up with her pediatrician tomorrow.

Wendy is now sleeping. I’m hoping I will be able to fall asleep shortly. I have a feeling Wendy and I will be doing a lot of laying around and napping today.

Monday, May 13, 2013

2 Appointments In 1 Day

Today I had to take Wendy to two appointments, luckily only in Athens and my mom went with me to help. Her first appointment was to check her kidney reflux to see if we needed to continue giving her Bactrim daily and to see if we needed another follow up with a urologist. As you may or may not know, Wendy was born with right grade 1 VUR (vesicoureteral reflux) and mild left hydronephrosis. VUR is when urine back flows into the kidneys and hydronephrosis is swelling of the kidneys. The days after she was born, when they were checking all her major organs, a renal ultrasound showed mild hydronephrosis on her left kidney. Three weeks later a VCUG showed the grade 1 reflux on her right kidney. Because of that, she was put on amoxicillin daily for UTI prophylaxis. We were scheduled to follow up with urology after she was discharged from the hospital. When we met with urology, she was 3 months old, and they performed another renal ultrasound. That ultrasound showed the hydronephrosis was no longer present but Wendy still needed antibiotics for the VUR. They switched her to Bactrim since that’s more suited for children over 3 months and she’s been on it since then. Grade 1 reflux is usually something kids grow out of, so today we went to have her kidneys checked.

Today they did a VCUG (voiding cysto-urethrogram).  We had to strip Wendy down and put her in a hospital gown, then a nurse cleaned her bottom with iodine. Then, they inserted a catheter while a technician and myself held her down. The catheter was used to put a contrast dye in Wendy’s bladder. Once Wendy’s bladder was filled, the technician began taking x-rays. We had to hold her down until she urinated and emptied her bladder. As she was going potty, the contrast showed whether or not her urine was backing up into her kidneys or not. After her bladder was empty the catheter was removed and we were able to go home. About 2 hours later (when we were just leaving therapy), Miss Ivy called from Dr. Martin’s office to say Wen’s kidneys looked great and no more Bactrim was needed.

We also had her first appointment with a feeding therapist today. (Now do you see why I had to have my mom go? It would have been too exhausting to do all of that alone because Wendy is a handful and a half, HAHA!) Not much happened with feeding therapy. The therapist just wants us to work on desensitizing the back of Wendy’s mouth since she mainly chews with the front and said we should try to give pureed food a little more texture, which I already do because Wendy does better with thicker consistencies. We go back Monday for another therapy session and then next Wednesday is her well check appointment with the pediatrician. We’re going to try to get Wendy an Infinity pump so she can wear it in a backpack so she won’t be so constricted and limited in her movements.

Wendy’s really been doing pretty great. She’s loving the Gerber Puffs and Crunchies and she’s getting better at using her sippy cup. Hopefully things will continue progressing in a positive manner.