I went to sleep at 6:30 because Wendy was sleepy and I know we have a lot to do in the morning. It's now 9:30 and I am wide awake, even though Wendy is still sleeping like a baby. Maybe it's just nerves. I'm really stressed about how the suck swallow study will go. I'm worried they'll tell us she's aspirating. I'm worried she won't even be able to take enough formula by mouth to complete the study. I have a million different concerns running through my mind. So to remedy this, I am downloading Season 2 of Army Wives on iTunes as we speak. (Yes, I am that far behind. I know season 6 just started but I have still only watched the first season.) The insomnia may also be due in part to the fact that I haven't an Ambien in about a week. Zed is going to have to pick up my prescription tomorrow.
On a good note, Wendy had her pictures done today. A fellow army wife and friend, Mary Jenkins (MaryLou Photography, you can find her on Facebook!) came out to my house and we spent a few hours with Wendy, posing her, changing her outfit, and just snuggling at times. I am so happy about the pictures I told Mary that she has inspired me to start using my real camera to take pictures of Wendy and not just use my iPhone. I'm really hoping Mary will be able to do some more photos for us before we move back to Georgia and I hope Wendy is smiling more by then. Either way, today was so much fun and it really took my mind off of worrying about the feeding study.
If you read this before 8:30 am on Monday, March 12, say a little prayer for Wendy. I think if she has any hope of ever learning to eat by mouth, we need to start working with her soon and the only way we can do that is if she passes the feeding study.
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