I cannot believe it's only 6 days left until the walk! I am getting so excited. I am so glad I decided to participate. At first, I didn't want to sign up because Zed's terminal leave was supposed to start April 20, however, something went wrong, the Army didn't charge him for his summer leave, and so he had time added on. When I found out he wasn't going to be done here until May 3, I decided to do the walk.
My mom and Kim are coming up and they are going to help me with Wendy's going away party, do the March for Babies, and help me finish packing. It was my mom's idea to have shirts made with Wendy's picture on it. She even picked out the photo. She said Wendy looked like an angel because the light was shining down on her. I decided to put "walking for Wendy" on it because it had a nice a ring to it. I also put all of Wendy's stats on the back. Wendy has an adorable onesie that says "I'm a 33 week miracle!" and all of her stats.
I started off with a goal of $200. I reached that one pretty quickly, so I raised it to $300. And now I have reached my goal of $400! Even though I have reached my personal goal, my team still needs $100 to reach our goal of $1500! Most every other team has a big sponsor. We don't. We have all been working hard to get personal donations and I think we have done a fabulous job! Many of us have preemie babies. So we are passionate and willing to put in the work!
Please, I don't want to sound like I'm begging, but I kind of am... Even if it's just a $5 donation, it will help. That will be $5 closer to help saving precious babies like Wendy. I know many of you have not yet met Wendy in person, but she has still touched you or made an impact on your life. There are so many other babies like her (well, not exactly because she has her very own odd genetic make up) who need your help. March of Dimes works to prevent birth defects and premature birth. This organization has saved many lives of tiny babies who otherwise wouldn't have had a chance.
Don't worry, the walk is in 6 days and you will hear no more about donating money. I usually don't push people to try to get money from them. BUt this is something that I truly believe in. If everyone on my friends list would donate $1, I could raise over $800. I really hope this will reach people so we can continue to research and save more lives!
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