Monday, June 4, 2012

Define My Day.


     1. In need of sleep or rest; weary.

     2. Bored with.

I am tired. I believe little Wendy is getting more teething because, bless her heart, she has been awake several times a night for the past two days. So in turn, mommy and daddy are not getting the rest they need. Zed has been taking the shift until 11-12 and I get up after that. Still, even with help, my
energy is spent.

I am tired of struggling with insurance for Wendy. TriCare is still saying Zed's not in the system and Medicaid says we make too  much for Wendy to get SSI and not enough to use the Katie Beckett Waiver. Wendy has an appointment for a procedure at the Children's Hospital on Thursday to have dye run through her mucous fistula. This procedure will allow the doctors to precisely see her rectal anatomy.

I am tired of so many appointments.  Tomorrow Zed has to go to the Social Security office in Athens and to Anderson to get a new ID card for the military. Thursday, as I mentioned, Wendy has her procedure. Friday I have a WIC appointment because Wendy is running out of formula and honestly, we don't have any extra money seeing as we had to pay several hundred dollars for her medication this month. Then next Tuesday Wendy has a neurology appointment in Athens. I don't think it is ever going to slow down.

I am exhausted, fatigued, and drained. I have a million different things going on right now. But on the bright side, I have a sweet, beautiful baby girl, two stupid dogs that love me, supper cooked, and clean sheets to sleep on tonight! Which, speaking of clean sheets, I am fixing to take a nice hot bubble bath and lay on my big bed with Wendy.

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