Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Big Bang!

Wendy reached a milestone today, which I am positive it was by complete accident. She rolled from her back to her stomach today.  I had just changed her colostomy bag and she was pretty upset. She's been rolling to her sides very easily as of late and when I walked back into the room (I had when to throw her diaper and old bag away) I saw her clearly roll from her side to her tummy. Wendy had this look of pure shock on her face. She looked up at me with those big blue eyes, screamed, and then banged her head on the floor. Luckily we were in her room and her room has thick carpet.

Mommy was in a panic though. There was a red spot on her forehead and she was acting like it hurt, which I'm sure banging your head on any surface doesn't feel good. I called Zed and he told me to relax that she was fine and no I didn't need to take her to the ER unless she was showing symptoms of a head injury. I called my mom too. She repeated the same thing to me and then she proceeded to tell me that Wendy is almost 8 months old and will probably be crawling/walking before I know it and when she starts that, she's going to get many more bumps and bruises. It's what babies do.  So after I calmed down and checked her out- I made sure her eyes were dilating the same size, that she didn't go to sleep for  at least an hour, and that she was still reaching for toys and not crying when I was holding her- I gave her some infants Tylenol for the headache and went on about my day.<

Turns out that this HUGE bump on the head that I was so scared about was nothing. It didn't leave a bruise, carpet burn or anything. Wendy is absolutely fine. It's ridiculous that I can handle my 3 day old baby having surgery better than my almost 8 month old bumping her head.

Some happy news for today, I have already picked out Wendy's birthday cake and invitations. I'm also starting to pick out decorations. I'm going to order them all soon and just put them away since I know Wendy is having surgery at the end of June/beginning of July and probably again before her first birthday. I would like to have everything ready in advance so when she does have her surgery, I can completely focus on her!

Sweet Wendy is wanting to be held so this mommy's got to go! I'll try to update again as soon as I can!

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