Yes, I said it... yesterday was the best birthday ever. I didn't have cake or presents, except for one sweet little girl coming home. But honestly, that was the best gift I could've asked for. And Wendy was actually really good and let me get a good night's sleep :)
I'm not going to lie, it's a bit overwhelming taking care of her, just Zed and I. I'm sure taking care of any baby is hard, but especially Wendy with her constant feeds, several medications, and colostomy. She takes Pepcid twice a day, at 9am and 9pm, Amoxicillin once a day, at 9pm, multivitamins once a day, at lunch, and Nystatin for her yeast infection on her neck three times a day. Unfortunately, Wendy is a baby that spits up. I feel like I'm constantly mixing up my breast milk and powder formula to make it 28 calories, cleaning up spit up, or administering medicine, but it is an amazing feeling!
We took her to her pediatrician today. She has another appointment in 2 weeks with her pediatrician again and then the next day she goes back to Vanderbilt for an appointment. She also has specialist appointments with urology and surgery and genetics within the next several weeks. It's going to be a lot of work taking her appointments dragging around a feeding pump, but I suppose it could always be worse. Wendy is home-bound other than going to doctor appointments. She's not allowed to the store or anything. She has a home health nurse that comes twice a week and soon another nurse will start coming here to do occupational and physical therapy.
I'm sure it will take a few days but we will eventually settle into a routine. I even cooked supper tonight. I'm hoping things will continue to get easier and more comfortable, I know Zed and I will eventually be so used to using a feeding pump and changing colostomies that we won't know anything else ever even existed.
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